- 守渝:比前两季平淡,后劲不足了。
- 街角随拍:方中信。。。。。。流口水啊
- 虎笑三溪:动作戏依然很有亮点,但是整个故事叙事不是很清晰
- 橙橙: are just the same, with wonderful dreams and hard lifes."having the vagina doesn't mean that you're gonna have a fabulous life. It might, in fact, be worse.""i want a car. i want to be with a man i love. i want a nice home. i want to live a normal, happy life.""you don't have to bend the whole world. i think it's better to just enjoy it."
- 渝欢:不是藏区的导演无法理解藏区的特定历史,从旁观者的角度拍摄未免刻奇。创作初始就带上了猎奇的视角,一定会被自我的情绪影响。其实有松太加、万玛才旦这样的导演就足够了,张扬何必要趟这趟水呢。这样的故事是不属于张扬的