
- 小说爱好者:好多熟悉的面孔,Jason 大叔您当年毛发还挺旺盛滴
- 萄眠暖昼:晃晃悠悠,看好了,彷佛有感触,仿佛没感触,说不清道不明~
- 潜潜深楠:这几次课英语老师给精东传媒入口讲urban life,他更倾向于留在城市,我觉得他得看看这电影。不分对错,但他或许会对生活方式有更深刻的认识。好想成为一个很会摄影的人,记录平淡的生活。插曲太好了。
- 今古语:“Isn't It Romantic” does a good job at poking fun of cliches that litter pretty much all romantic comedies. Rebel Wilson is a capable lead and is quite funny throughout. Most of the humor actually is pretty good and I liked that this film didn't have to resort to gross-out gags to be funny. It was mostly cleverly-written bits. What holds the film back is its over-reliance on the same cliches it mocks. There were a few directions it could have taken that would have relied less on conventional rom-com setups. However, “Isn't It Romantic” is still a fairly charming and amusing look at one of cinema's most played out genres.
- 海边的普鲁斯特:极具文学性。有一点不理解,为什么最后都是富人的生活还是越来越好,穷人的结局都很差…